Degrees of the Scottish Rite
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite confers 29 degrees. These degrees are conferred by each of four bodies. In the Southern Jurisdiction, the bodies/degrees are organized as follows:
There are also two honorary degrees:
Knight Commander of the Court of Honor
The Rank of Knight Commander of the Court of Honor is not a Degree but an Investiture bestowed upon members deserving recognition for faithful services to the Rite. The respective Sovereign Grand Inspectors General or Deputies likewise nominate members for this honor, and these must also be unanimously approved by The Supreme Council. This Investiture is a prerequisite of receiving the Thirty-third Degree at some later time, though relatively few receive this distinction.
33° – Inspector General Honorary
All Scottish Rite jurisdictions nominate a select few members to receive the 33rd Degree, Inspector General Honorary, in recognition of outstanding service to the Rite, or in public life, to the principles taught in the degrees. In the Southern Jurisdiction, the Supreme Council chooses 33rd degree members from among those who have previously received the rank and decoration of Knight Commander Court of Honor. Members unanimously elected become honorary members of the Supreme Council. The Thirty-third Degree may not be requested. The 33rd Degree is conferred solely out of recognition for outstanding services.